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日期: 2020-01-29

重庆市慈善总会   重庆市红十字会


Chongqing Charity Federation

Red Cross Society of China, Chongqing Branch

Winning the Battle against the Novel Coronavirus 

 Call for Donations


Dear friends at home and abroad,


Recently, the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has been rampant and posed a threat to people’s life and health. Despite the ruthless virus, we are convinced that love shall always triumph. In such context, friends both home and abroad have paid great attention and care by donating funds and in-kind contributions for the prevention and treatment of the virus. Our heart-string has been greatly plucked by your staunch support and generous kindness. Chongqing Charity Federation and the Red Cross Society of China, Chongqing Branch will forever be grateful to you for lending a hand. As we speak, Chongqing still faces an acute shortage of medical supplies, especially medical protective masks and protective gowns, which are in urgent needs and we call for greater domestic and international assistance. The Initiative is hereby proposed to further raise donations from inpiduals or organizations home and abroad in keeping with the principle of protecting life and health and helping those in great risk and in urgent need. We believe that with your love and contribution, we will be united as strong as a fortress to win the battle against the novel coronavirus. Donations this time will be mainly distributed to Chongqing’s Districts and Counties, and subjected to adjustments in light of practical conditions. 


I. The Chongqing Charity Federation and the Red Cross Society of China, Chongqing Branch will be in charge of collecting donations and publicize information about donations received and their usages according to laws and regulations for public oversight.        


II. Preferred in-kind donations are medical supplies for the prevention and control of the epidemic, including medical protective masks (N95), surgical masks, medical protective clothing, protective gloves, protective facial screens, goggles, sanitizer, etc. These supplies shall meet the following standards:


Medical protective masks (N95): [GB 19083—2010] Technical Requirements for Protective Masks of Medical Usage 


Surgical masks: [YY0469—2011] Requirements for Surgical Masks


Disposable medical masks: [YY0469—2011] Requirements for Disposable Medical Masks


Disposable medical protective clothing: [GB19082—2003] Requirements for Disposable Medical Protective Clothing 


Medical exam gloves: [GB10213—2006] Requirements for Medical Exam Gloves


Disposable surgical gloves: [GB7543-2006] Requirements for Disposable Surgical Gloves


III. The donated funds will be used to purchase medical supplies in urgent needs to prevent and contain the epidemic  under the oversight of the Chongqing Charity Federation and the Red Cross Society of China, Chongqing Branch. And donations will be distributed in a timely manner to Chongqing’s Districts and Counties concerned in line with their particular needs following the overall arrangements made by the Chinese Central Government and the Chongqing Municipal People’s Government. 


IV. The Chongqing Charity Federation and the Red Cross Society of China, Chongqing Branch hereby make a solemn commitment that all donations received this time will be used for the prevention and treatment of 2019-nCoV. Donor receipts will be issued if needed. To ensure openness and transparency, we will fully engage in a whole-process supervision with regards to the usage of the funds/in-kind donations and keep the public timely d.


V.How to donate





联系人:陈 建

联系电话:0086-23-63605659;0086-133 3030 3376


1. Chongqing Charity Federation

Bank Account: Chongqing Charity Federation

Account Number: 500102022010470010965(domestic and overseas donations)

Bank: Bank of Communications (Chongqing Branch, Renmin Road Sub-branch)

Contact: Chen Jian 

+86-23-63605659;+86-133 3030 3376

Address for in-kind donations: 

26th Floor, Tuozhan Building, No. 4, Jianxin Xilu, Guanyinqiao, Jiangbei District, Chongqing





2.接收捐赠户名: 重庆市红十字会


开户行: 重庆银行大坪支行(只接收境内捐款)

联系人:张 彬

联系电话:0086-23-61758063;0086-139 8345 1602



2. Red Cross Society of China, Chongqing Branch

(1) Bank Account: Red Cross Society of China, Chongqing Branch 

Account Number: 3100023329026405654 (domestic and overseas donations)

Bank: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Chongqing Daping Sub-branch)

(2) Bank Account: Red Cross Society of China, Chongqing Branch

Account Number: 300112019000340870 (domestic donations only)

Bank: Bank of Chongqing (Chongqing Daping Sub-branch)

Contact: Zhang Bin 

+86-23-61758063; +86-139 8345 1602

Address for receiving in-kind donations: 

Room 608 and 703, Red Cross Society of China, Chongqing Branch, No.2 Changjiang Zhilu, Yuzhong District, Chongqing

PS: Please specify remittance purpose as “for epidemic prevention and control ”.




Chongqing Charity Federation

Red Cross Society of China, Chongqing Branch

January 29, 2020

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