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A Letter to All Foreign Friends in Chongqing

日期: 2020-01-27

Dear expats in Chongqing,

On the occasion of the 2020 Spring Festival, we would like to extend our best wishes to you! Happy New Year!

In response to the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and the Chongqing Municipal People’s Government have taken the situation very seriously and actively engaged in prevention and control efforts. On January 24th, 2020, we activated a Level I public health emergency response. To date, our epidemic prevention efforts have been progressing efficiently as scheduled. We recommend the following practices to all international residents in Chongqing:

1. Increase prevention and self-protection, minimize outdoor activities, avoid crowded places, parties and group activities. Correctly wear a mask (preferably, a surgical mask) if you have to go and attend one. Dispose of used masks appropriately. Keep good hygiene, particularly keep hand and mouth clean. Avoid close contact with wild animals or birds. Meat and eggs must be thoroughly cooked before consumption.

2. Do not trust false and unverified information. The latest s on the epidemic in Chongqing are available on the official website of the Chongqing Municipal Health Commission (wsjkw.cq.gov.cn). You can also get the most recent s nationwide by following the information released by the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a message on the official website: wsjkw.cq.gov.cn, or you can call the Foreign Service Inquiry Hotline at +86 139 8371 3238 (the Chongqing Municipal Health Commission). We will promptly respond to your concerns.

3. If you have been to the infected areas, or if you contacted people who are from the epidemic area, please pay close attention to your health conditions and timely report to your employer or local community. Please cooperate with community personnel or medical staff if they inquire about your condition.

4. Chongqing has designated the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University (Address: No. 1 Youyi Road, Yuanjiagang, Yuzhong District, Chongqing;) and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University (Jiangnan Campus) (Address: No. 288 Tianwen Avenue, Jiangnan Xincheng, Zone B, Chayuan, Nan’an District, Chongqing;) for international residents. You can visit either hospital when necessary.

Hotline of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University: +86 189 9605 7408

Hotline of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University: +86 159 2266 6878

Facing the ferocious virus, only fighting together and supporting each other can help us secure an early victory in the battle against the epidemic. With that, we wish you good health and all the best!

Foreign Affairs Office

Chongqing Municipal People’s Government

January 27, 2020





二、关注权威信息。重庆市卫生健康委员会官方网站(wsjkw.cq.gov.cn)将定时发布重庆市新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情情况。您也可以关注中国国家卫生健康委员会发布的消息,了解全国疫情情况。如有任何疑问或建议,您可以在我们所提供的官方网站留言,也可以拨打重庆市卫生健康委员会涉外事务咨询电话:139 837 13238,我们将及时回应您的关切。


四、重庆市确定了重庆医科大学附属一院(地址:重庆市渝中区袁家岗友谊路1号)、重庆医科大学附属二院(江南院区)(地址:重庆市南岸区茶园B区江南新城天文大道288号)为涉外定点医院。当您需要时,可选择到这两家医院就诊。重庆医科大学附属一院咨询电话:189 9605 7408,重庆医科大学附属二院咨询电话:159 2266 6878。





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